"Bomb" Test Suite

This test suite uses artificial images generated by "bombing" a blank image with gaussian blobs of various elongations and orientations. These images exhibit microtextures and generally favour algorithms which are sensitive to fine detail.

The bkgElong?? images are generated by the makeBrick program with no mortar or rotation variation but with various elongations. The mBkgElong?? tests repeat the bkgElong?? tests but confound the problem with high contrast mortar on a regular 10 by 10 pixel grid.

Bomb Tests
Test Images ¹
bkgElong01 e1 e3 [ no mortar, t0 ]
bkgElong02 e1 e2 [ no mortar, t0 ]
bkgElong03 e1 e1.5 [ no mortar, t0 ]
bkgElong04 e1 e1.25 [ no mortar, t0 ]
bkgElong05 e1 e1.1 [ no mortar, t0 ]
bkgElong06 e1 e2 e3 [ no mortar, t0 ]
mBkgElong01 e1 e3 [ x10 y10, t0 ]
mBkgElong02 e1 e2 [ x10 y10, t0 ]
mBkgElong03 e1 e1.5 [ x10 y10, t0 ]
mBkgElong04 e1 e1.25 [ x10 y10, t0 ]
mBkgElong05 e1 e1.1 [ x10 y10, t0 ]
mBkgElong06 e1 e2 e3 [ x10 y10, t0 ]

¹ e = elongation, t = theta ; Common parameters are shown in square [] brackets

Ian Burns burns@cs.uq.edu.au
Guy Smith guy@cs.uq.edu.au

Last Modified: Thu Sep 26 12:28:42 EST 1996