"Brodatz" Test Suite

This test suite uses images from the Brodatz textures. The Brodatz textues are taken from the album "Textures: a Photographic Album for Artists and Designers" by Phil Brodatz (Dover Publications, NY 1966)

There are 16 different textures corresponding to Brodatz plates D4, D9, D15, D17, D20, D24, D29, D34, D52, D54, D57, D84, D92, D103, D110, D111. Each texture is originally a 256x256 pixel image, which has been broken into 64 32x32 images. The numbering starts at the top left, and works from left to right, then top to bottom. Thus D4.0000.pgm, D4.0001.pgm, ..., D4.0015.pgm form the top row of the first original texture.

Texture D15r is derived from the images of Texture D15 by a 90 degree rotation.

Tests 01 to 05 compare two textures each, with increasing difficulty. Test 06 compares texture D15 (which is strongly directional) with its 90 degree rotation. Test 07 repeats the most difficult pairwise test, test05, with differing priors: D29 has prior probability 0.1 and D4 has prior probability 0.9. Tests 08, 09 and 10 compare three textures each. Tests 11 and 12 compare four textures. Test 13 compares 8 textures and test14 compares all 16 textures.

Brodatz Tests
Test Images
test01 D52 D34
test02 D17 D84
test03 D111 D54
test04 D84 D57
test05 D29 D4
test06 D15 D15r
test07 D29 D4 (priors of 0.1 and 0.9 resp.)
test08 D17 D52 D34
test09 D84 D57 D9
test10 D92 D29 D4
test11 D17 D52 D34 D20
test12 D92 D57 D29 D4
test13 D110 D92 D17 D84 D54 D24 D15 D4
test14 D111 D110 D103 D92 D84 D57 D54 D52 D34 D29 D24 D20 D17 D15 D9 D4

Brodatz Textures
Plate Number Description
D4 Pressed cork
D9 Grass lawn
D15 Straw
D17 Herringbone weave
D20 French canvas
D24 Pressed calf leather
D29 Beach sand
D34 Netting
D52 Oriental straw cloth
D54 Beach pebbles
D57 Handmade paper
D84 Raffia looped to a high pile
D92 Pigskin
D103 Loose burlap
D110 Handmade paper, grassy fibre
D111 Plastic bubbles

Ian Burns burns@cs.uq.edu.au
Guy Smith guy@cs.uq.edu.au

Last Modified: 28 July, 1996 at 13:35 EST