Variations of Gabor - Number of Wavelengths

Using this framework, we can investigate the significance of any parameters to the overall classification results. In these experiments we have changed the number of wavelengths which contribute to the feature sets of the Gabor Energy method.

Results have been obtained for both Wide and Narrow envelopes using wavelength sets of 2,4,8 pixels and 4,8 pixels. The gaborClass program was used.

The Table below shows the per-test-suite scores for the Wide and Narrow Gabor masks for wavelength sets of 4,8 and 2,4,8. As was shown in a previous comparison between Wide and Narrow envelopes, Narrow masks generally perform better on the microtextures, with the Wide masks favoured for the macrotextures. Furthermore, adding the extra wavelength features generally improves the results. We would not expect much improvement for the larger scale macrotextures with the Narrow window as this fine detail will generally not be present.

Test Suite Summary Scores
TEST SUITE Wide 4,8 Wide 2,4,8 Narrow 4,8 Narrow 2,4,8
bomb 0.8352 0.8362 0.8337 0.846
bombRot 0.8673 0.8697 0.9113 0.9248
brodatz 0.9102 0.9137 0.9284 0.9451
grass 0.864 0.8968 0.8608 0.89
material 0.9655 0.9716 0.9487 0.9678
visTex 0.8561 0.8859 0.8638 0.9066
lattice 0.9421 0.9715 0.8951 0.8919
latticeRot 1 1 0.9997 1
mortar 0.9454 0.967 0.8836 0.8758
mortarRot 1 1 0.9988 0.9921
mortarRotS 1 1 0.9969 1

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Guy Smith
Ian Burns

Last Modified: Tue May 27 17:34:23 EST 1997