Major Paradigms - Gabor Energy Vs GLCM Vs GMRF

A comparison of the GLCM, GMRF and Gabor Energy methods over all of the suites of texture problems is presented. These results are based on implementations of these methods using conventional design choices. The following implementation choices have been used.

Gabor Energy

Program: gaborClass
Wavelengths: 2, 4 and 8 pixel
Angles: 0, 45, 90, 135 degrees
Mask Size: 17x17 pixels
Gaussian Window: texton interpretation (sd = wavelength/2)
Command Line: gaborClass -texton -lambda 2,4,8 -theta 0,45,90,135


Program: glcmClass
Distances: 1 pixel
Angles: 0, 45, 90, 135 degrees
Re-quantization: 32 grey levels
Rotation Invariance: average features over angles
Command Line: glcmClass -q 32 -af -d 1 -theta 0,45,90,135


Program: markovClass
Mask: standard 4th order symmetric
Command Line: markovClass -mask std4s

The table below gives the summary per-test-suite scores for the implementations of GLCM, Gabor Energy and GMRF methods described above. Two patterns emerge from this table. On microtextures, the algorithms are ranked thus: GMRF, Gabor Energy and GLCM. On macrotextures, the algorithms are ranked thus: Gabor Energy, GMRF and GLCM. The "real world" textures (brodatz, grass, material, and visTex), although containing a mix of macro- and microtextures, are predominantly microtextures.

Test Suite Summary Scores
bomb 0.8406 0.846 0.9446
bombRot 0.6829 0.9248 0.9603
brodatz 0.9239 0.9451 0.9713
grass 0.9162 0.89 0.9483
material 0.965 0.9678 0.9797
visTex 0.8523 0.9066 0.9355
lattice 0.6953 0.8919 0.7396
latticeRot 0.6643 1 0.9647
mortar 0.715 0.8758 0.7551
mortarRot 0.6055 0.9921 0.9626
mortarRotS 0.6248 1 0.9763

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Guy Smith
Ian Burns

Last Modified: Tue May 27 17:34:22 EST 1997